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Cover of Emportante

Life & identity | English poems

 without reflection

I don’t have
any reflection in the mirror

apparently it’s a rare case
children were laughing at me
and the doctor even wanted to report this
to the ministry

on the other hand the psychologist advised
not to cause needless sensation –
don’t go to the barber
avoid shopping windows
and puddles on the street

in case of
being caught red-handed –
don’t admit and don’t deny
try to make a joke of all this

in the hiding place under the floor
keep a weapon and the Bible

#poetry-about-life #english-poems #metaphysical-poetry #difference #dissimilarity #Bible

 Cartesio’s scull

our life
is an impression of a sunrise –
one face
portrayed by Painter
during different times of the day
fast absolutely
less and less prescisely
darker and darker

eventually it'll start looking at us
only through dark eye sockets
just like you now
standing on a shelf
you’re giving the clock
a last

that's why when everyday I buy bread
I’m looking up my own name
in the list of shot
then I tear the magazine and throw away
and I read the rest out of my torn

#poems-about-life #poems-about-death #war #all-things-must-pass

 a lullaby about the end of the world

there supposed to be four horses
an ocean burning with the symphony of fear
but there’s just a creaking
hospital bed

with an old man
slightly because so
slightly by chance

with whom except for name and surname
I don’t have nothing in common

he has a shrunken body –
like a blanket always too short
to cover a frozen soul

his breath has stopped –
slightly like Mozart’s Requiem and
slightly like a normal button
which I’ve been always forgetting to sew

he only has a raised hand –
as if he was writing some lines in the air
or mysterious signs
but he was only trying to chase away
a buzzing fly

#Wolfgang-Amadeus-Mozart #Mozart-Requiem #dying #Apocalypse #death #poems-about-life #poems-about-death

All poems translated by Weronika Warzocha

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